Further Customizing

Use the Parameters below to customize the news feed to better match your site.

(the code in red is what you can edit)

< script language="JavaScript"
< /script>
  • h: Maximum number of headlines to be displayed, also an integer. Type
    0 (Zero) for displaying all the available headlines.
  • ss: Show Summary, Yes(y) or No(n). Whether or not display the
    article’s summary.
  • sc: Show Source, Yes(y) or No(n). Whether or not display the article’s
  • sd: Show headline Date, Yes(y) or No(n). Whether or not display the
    article’s date.
  • st: Show article’s Thumbnail, Yes(y) or No(n). Whether or not display
    the article’s thumbnail image.
  • al: ALign, How to align the headlines. Could be Left, Center or Right.
  • cc: Cell Color, hexdecimal value, i.e: cc=CC00FF.
  • target: Target frame to open the headlines, I.E : target=_blank.
  • font: Font to display the headline, I.E : font=verdana.although any stsndard fonts will work.
  • color: Font Color, I.E : color=999999.
  • size: Font Size, integer.
  • stdate: Display headlines with a defined starting date. The date passed
    should be in the format of YYYY/MM/DD, you can pass a complete date
    or just part of it. I.E : to display articles with a start date of August
    2002 you’ll set this parameter as stdate=2002/08. The zone will display
    all the headlines that became published during august 2002.
  • edate: Display headlines with a defined ending date. The date passed
    should be in the format of YYYY/MM/DD, you can pass a complete date
    or just part of it. I.E : to display articles with an ending date of April
    2002 you’ll set this parameter as edate=2002/04. The zone will display
    all the headlines that expired during April 2002.
  • pdate: Display headlines with a defined posted date. The date passed
    should be in the format of YYYY/MM/DD, you can pass a complete date
    or just part of it. I.E : to display articles that were posted during january
    you’ll set this parameter as pdate=2002/01 The zone will display all the
    headlines that were posted during january 2002.
  • sort: sorting criteria. You can pass any database field name to be used
    for sorting the headlines on the zone. You can use the following values
    to sort your headlines :
      • posted: Sort the headlines by date posted
      • lastupdate: Sort the headlines by last update date
      • headline: Sort the headlines by headline
      • headlinedate: Sort the headlines by headline date
      • startdate: Sort the headlines by startdate (default)
      • enddate: Sort the headlines by end date
      • source: Sort the headlines by source
      • summary: Sort the headlines by summary
  • odr: Headlines Order. Ascending(asc) or descending(desc). Use it
    with the sort parameter to display our articles in ascending
    or descending order

This News Catagory is Higher Education and we’d like to display
those articles but limited to 5 headlines, without the summaries but with the headlines
dates and using a verdana font and ordered alphabetically.

The following code should be used:
(the code in red is what you can edit)

< script language="JavaScript"
< /script>

This code has the following parameters:

  • z=2: The Headline Catagory ID. Displays Headlines for Higher Education.
  • h=5: The number of headlines will be limited to only 5.
  • ss=n: By default the article summaries will be displayed, so we have to
    override this parameter telling the application to not show the summaries.
  • sd=y: Display The Headline’s dates.
  • font=verdana: Use the verdana Font.
  • sort=headline. Use the headline field to sort the articles
  • ord=asc. Sort the headlines in ascending order